How to Prepare for a Pandemic
A new pandemic is unpredictable and anything can happen. However, you have to listen to the local health authorities and their instructions to take extra care in order to keep yourself and your family safe.
How Far Away From a COVID-19 Cure Are We Theoretically?
Drug discovery Scientists, healthcare givers, and other stakeholders in the health sector have been busy in the past few months with a new disease...
Strengthen Your Immune System Against COVID-19
COVID-19 has spread to almost every state and has been declared a pandemic. If we have a strong immune system, we are able to...
The Symptoms of COVID-19 You Should Know About
COVID-19, also known as novel coronavirus 2019, has a wide range of symptoms, from respiratory problems, to gastrointestinal symptoms.
Thousands of volunteers sign up to be exposed to COVID-19, Here’s...
Over 16,000 people have volunteered to sign up to be infected with COVID-19. This might sound crazy to some but to scientists it can...
What anyone with a Medium to High-Risk Health Condition should know...
People medium to high-risk health conditions are at a higher risk for the severe illness of COVID-19.