How to Prepare for a Pandemic


Pandemics are epidemics that gets distributed to vast area or worldwide. They are bacterial or viral diseases that spreads through the community. If it is isolated to one region, it is known as an epidemic. If this is progresses throughout a continent or worldwide, that’s when it becomes a Pandemic.

Throughout history, mankind has gone through a lot of pandemics that has taken lives of millions of people and is a discussed issue for decades. Due to these experiences and the earlier approach towards these diseases, the WHO and CDC are much efficient in coming up with plans to tackle the upcoming and ongoing pandemics.

Some Pandemics can be predicted as they progress from epidemic due to the new researches and news from all over the world. As a result of globalization, when an epidemic is reported in a country, it is predicted to become a pandemic depending on the nature of the disease and the number of cases in other regions.

With pandemics, people are always confused as to how to prepare for one. This depends on the nature of transmission of the disease and the government and WHO’s approach in tackling this disease.

Whatever the disease is, most of the steps taken in the preparation for a pandemic is more of the same. However, you have to be updated with the local health authorities and their instructions to take extra care in order to keep yourself and your family safe.

First and foremost, Do not panic! Panicking would not solve the issue and not only that, it might even affect you in a bad way.

Get educated

Pandemic plans are just mitigation tools and not a cure. The past experiences have proven so and viral outbreaks were only stopped with a vaccine where until then, people had to suffer and sacrifice as they fight for living.

Being said that, we have to get educated on the scientific aspect of the disease. We have to know about the disease causing pathogen, how it is transmitted and how to prevent it’s spread. We also have to keep updated on the current studies being done on the pandemic, focusing on the age group it affects the most, how deadly it is and in what situations you are exposed to these pathogens.

• Pay Attention to the government’s approach on the pandemic and how the WHO and CDC intends to tackle the disease.

Researching on the issues and approach towards the pandemic helps you plan how to live through the crisis. Sometimes, the Pandemic could affect your business or personal matters. If you know what might be the situation in the near future, you would be able to plan ahead to do as needed. If the disease is going to be worldwide rather than stay within a continent, it would be a good idea to address any business or personal issues that lies in other countries as the borders would probably be locked down as done in the past in many African countries.

• It is best to keep social distance and limit human contact as best as possible and use protection.

When it comes to infectious diseases, it is a good idea to maintain a social distance and use protection to prevent community spread and also not get infected. The protection varies on the nature of the disease and the route of transmission of the disease.

If it is sexually transmitted, it is best to use condoms and other protections while diseases transmitted via Inhalation route requires masks, gloves, glasses and other protective coverings. Among masks, the Respiratory masks or the N95 gives the best protection.

Plan your food and stock up on supplies

Know the situation ahead and stock up on long-lasting foods for at least 2 weeks. Supplies for a month is even better. The ideal type of foods to chock up are canned foods and dried meat that lasts longer.

It is advised to stock up on the necessary protection and medications that does not require prescription, like for fever, cough syrup and cold.

Focus on shelf table meals. This can include rice, pasta, tea coffee, flour, sugar etc.

If you have babies, stocking on sanitary napkins, diapers and also formula baby foods are necessary.

Don’t forget about your pets. You will have to stock up on pet foods too.

Along with this, to keep a good hygiene, do not forget toiletries. Stock up on goods and items like soaps (body wash), toilet papers, gels and shampoos, toothpastes and tooth brush.

Contribute to the Community

It is important to tackle the pandemic together as a community and you have to do your part to prevent community spread. If you are ill or if you suspect that you are ill, you have to seek medical help or stay in your ‘’sick room’’ till your tests are done in order to prevent community spread. Also, don’t send your children to school if they are sick.

Usually, schools are closed for a time when there is a local outbreak as it is very easy for a local community spread in a public place such as a school where children mingle.

Also offer to volunteer in helping out the community on this Pandemic issues.

Prepare for the worst

You must plan for the worst to come in an emergency. A new pandemic is unpredictable and anything can happen. You have to start thinking about how to handover your responsibilities in case you have to stay isolated. You have to talk to your neighbours, friends and family and discuss on how to help each other out in the event of this pandemic.

You have to come up with a plan on how to take care of your family, who would take care of your children and the elderly.

Make an emergency kit in case you have to evacuate and have at least 2 weeks supplies.

Also, make sure you have the list of governmental and non governmental organisations you can reach out to in case of emergencies and their phone numbers, starting with your local hotline and the Red Cross.

You also have to make sure you have the emergency fund in order to survive in case you don’t have a regular income.