Home COVID-19


    What anyone with a Medium to High-Risk Health Condition should know...

    People medium to high-risk health conditions are at a higher risk for the severe illness of COVID-19.

    Busting COVID-19 Myths

    Several myths have been told about COVID-19 and it's important to shun or discredit them.

    A New Love for Life in the Time of COVID-19 and...

    It was just my usual mammogram, after all, when my doctor called me at work. This was something new for her. Why should it...

    Coronavirus History And How It All Started?

    According to some of the global experts, the current SARS-CoV2 virus first originated in bats and it is very much similar to that of acute respiratory syndromes (SARS) and the Middle East respiratory syndromes (MERS).

    The Crucial Role Of Healthcare Workers In Treating The Dreaded Coronavirus

    The COVID-19 pandemic has now become a health threat, creating a big disruption to the global healthcare system.

    Uncommon COVID-19 Symptoms That You Need To Know

    Here are the most uncommon symptoms of a coronavirus infection.

    How to Look and Feel your Best Wherever You Are

    If your emotional well-being and personal appearance took a hit during the COVID-19 pandemic, you’re not alone. There are simple ways you can give yourself a much-needed boost.

    The Symptoms of COVID-19 You Should Know About

    COVID-19, also known as novel coronavirus 2019, has a wide range of symptoms, from respiratory problems, to gastrointestinal symptoms.