Getting a Service Dog to Help Me During Migraines
I’ve heard that service dogs can be of great help in these kinds of situations, so I am working on getting one for my migraines. I hope it will make my life easier and I won’t need to rely so much on my family and friends. It will give me some freedom back and enable me to do more things on a daily basis.
Diagnosis – Chiari Malformation
At my worst, I wasn't able to really talk or move. My body fought me on everything. My hair moving felt like it might kill me. Can you imagine that - my hair hurt! My head pain was beyond anything I'd ever experienced. Everything within me was screaming that something is wrong and that it was going to kill me.
On a Hunt for a Magical Cure for Migraine
I’ve been suffering from a constant nonstop migraine for the past 5 years. It started when I was about 13. I noticed I’ve had been having a lot of really bad headaches as a young teen, or so I thought that’s what they were. I’ve been to a hand full of doctors and been through so many different types of medications, therapies, online methods. I’ve had enough.
The Pain, The Struggle, The Battle
My migraines have taken control of my life. They come and go when they want. It doesn’t matter how much I eat and drink the right way, or exercise. They hurt so bad, my hair hurts when touching it. Yes, I have a team of good docs, but the only thing they can really do is prescribe meds and add suggestions.
A Book that can Help you Know your Migraines Better
I suggest you ask your doctor about this book that my doctor gave me. It is called LIFE WITH MIGRAINES: 50 FACTS & MORE. Research it, there are a lot of good facts in it. Here is a quote from the book, “What are the typical symptoms of a migraine?
Drinking Water as A Way to Stop Migraines
There is even a tip how to cope with a headache - instead of painkiller drink a cup of water, then one more in 20 minutes and one more in 20 minutes again. Another tip - make yourself freshly squeezed lemon juice and drink it at once.
New Life with Migraines – Part 6
In part 6, I will talk about my doctors, how I trained my dog to help me, and how I am getting some help on things. First thing is that my dog is very smart and trained in helping me when I pass out, fall, or when I need help from the floor to even using an inside and outside voice.
The Frogs
What were the lessons you have learned as a kid? Share them in the Comments Below!
When I was in 8th Grade and my younger...