Getting a Service Dog to Help Me During Migraines


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I suffered from a very strong pain in my head for quite a while before I was diagnosed. My mom told me that I may be struggling with migraines and that I needed to get that checked and treated. She was concerned watching me suffer so much. I went to the doctor and sure enough, I was diagnosed with migraines. My mom was right, unfortunately!

Suffering from migraines is very hard. When I get these pains I struggle with seeing things as what they are and see things bleary. My concentration is not fully focused and I always need assistance when I am in this situation. I have some help from family when they are around and I appreciate it very much.

I’ve heard that service dogs can be of great help in these kinds of situations, so I am working on getting one for my migraines. I hope it will make my life easier and I won’t need to rely so much on my family and friends. It will give me some freedom back and enable me to do more things on a daily basis. It’s a  struggle every day but I have to find different ways to make it through. It is not easy for sure, but hopefully, I will find something that will relieve my pain.

Do you have any advice concerning service dogs? What should I pay attention to? Show your support by Sharing the Blog!