Liver Cancer Changed my Life for the Better


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I am a survivor of liver cancer. I had robotic surgery to remove a 2cm spot of cancer. The cancer was from having Hepatitis C which I had for over 20 years. I’m now taking medications. While I was trying to cure it, it affected me negatively on other fronts. Now through the grace of God and modern medicine, I’m healthy and happy!

Read more: Life with Bernie: My Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Story

In the beginning, I thought I received a death sentence because cancer runs in my family. I listened to the medical team for pros and cons of treatments. I found the best option and went for it. I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. I listened to the advice from medical personnel, but my family helped in the decision-making process as well.

After surgery, old habits had to change so I started by changing my diet and lost 30lbs. More exercise, 2 miles a day walking, up and down stairs just for stamina and I developed a better outlook on life. Second chances are rare with cancer, so I am going to run with life until the wheels fall off, but I had a choice.

Read more: How My Mom Beat Breast Cancer

It was either to follow up all appointments, visit doctor’s office for scheduled tests to remain free of cancer, try to find out if there are any medical problems that are related to the cause of disease. The biggest and most important – stop all alcohol intake, no moderate, no binge drinking. Alcohol was going to kill my liver because of the Hepatitis C. If you want to start drinking again, might as well put your other foot in the grave. Life is about change. In order for this gift to work, you have to work on what gave it to you. After 6 months of follow-ups, I’m cancer-free.

Did you make some positive changes in your life after being diagnosed? Show your support by Sharing the Blog!