Depression After Child Loss


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Let me start off saying is not easy at all.

I’ve been depressed since I was in middle school. My family always told me I was just looking for attention and nothing was wrong with me.

Read more: Coping with Depression

Between my parent’s divorce, my mom’s second husband liking little girls and then the hardest thing of all giving birth to my first child who has already gained her wings.

I thought after having my little girl it would help me but honestly it just made it worse. At first, my doctors thought I suffered from PTSD but then we found out that’s not what it was.

I wanted to be with her so bad I was always hoping when I was in the car that we would get in a bad accident and I could finally be with her.

Read more: In and Out of Depression

Life’s not easy with depression especially when everybody thinks your lying, let me say though I’m so glad nothing did happen because I had my rainbow baby and she has definitely saved my life.

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