In and Out of Depression


I grew up with both my parents until I got to the age of 2. After that, they split up and I lived with my mum most of the time. Every second weekend of every second month, I got to see my dad and I thought it was normal. I knew no better. I grew up until the age of 12 like this and then one day my dad took me back home and said he didn’t want me anymore. For no reason whatsoever, just said that and left. I cried for days. I was so upset, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I fell into a deep stage of depression.

I never wanted to talk to anyone, I always wanted to be alone but then something happened. I found a way out.  I don’t know what I did but I got out of it. A year later, my brother started picking on me saying things like “you’re adopted, you were a mistake, we don’t want you, I see why dad doesn’t want you anymore”. At that moment the depression came back twice as heavy. I started cutting down my wrists. When I turned 15 my brother started physically abusing me. I told Mum “either you kick him out or I move out”. She chose him. I’m now living out on my own. I’m 16 years old trying to get my life on tracks, I have zero contact with my family and I’m in deep depression.

What are your ways to get out of depression?