How I️ Got Rid of Acne


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I have suffered from acne since I️ was 16. It really hasn’t been easy, and in fact, in some moments it was horrible. Alongside with typical teenage issues, I had to face diabetes too. The fact that I’m diabetic makes it and everything else so much worse.

In order to control the flairs as much as possible, I started an alkaline diet, so I️ don’t consume anything that has acid. My doctor suggested this, so I am just trying to do whatever I possibly can to follow the strict regime.

Read more: Controlled by Acne

My skin is very light, and I have a problem with popping zits. They leave the marks on my light skin making it pretty hard to avoid scarring. Since the change of my diet, constant changing of bedspreads along with cocoa butter and bleach cream applications my dark spots are fading and I am very happy because I have found a way to care properly for my skin. I️ have a long way to go, but I’ve come a long way, too!

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