Mad for Having Rheumatoid Arthritis


How long it took before you managed to accept Rheumatoid Arthritis as your diagnose? Share it in the Comments Below!

I am mad at my body for failing to be healthy. I’m mad at the pain. I am mad because I cannot move like I used to. Why does this happen to people?

RA is taking things from me that I took for granted – waking up without the pain, walking up and down the stairs, going through the day without being exhausted, opening things like sugar packets without hurting. It never crossed my mind that sugar packets will cause so much trouble. Can you imagine it? Brushing my hair or putting my hair in a ponytail is extremely difficult for me to do. Those are so simple things, but with RA everything is difficult.

Yes, I am still processing what is going on. I am still researching what to expect. I do know each person is different, but in the meantime, my feelings are all over the place. Wondering what I can do and what I can’t do. Wondering my future will hold. I am simply not sure what to expect.

No, I won’t give in. I will fight, but I know there will be days I want to give up. I will do my best to put a smile on my face so others won’t feel sorry for me. I just want my old body back. I miss it, but it is now gone. Now I have to adjust to this broken down one. It is not easy for sure.

How long it took before you managed to accept Rheumatoid Arthritis as your diagnose? Share it in the Comments Below!