My Family Helps Me with the Migraines


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I started getting migraines I would say after I gave birth to my now 8-year-old daughter. They weren’t too bad until I turned 21. Then the migraines started getting worse.

Read more: My Migraines Interfere with my Family’s Needs

Luckily, I found a migraine study and decided to participate. The people there were really nice and helpful. The program helped me with my migraines. If I have the chance I would do it all over again.

The migraines are still here, sometimes they are really bad and I don’t even want to go out, I just want to stay in a cold, dark room.

What motivates me to go out with a migraine is my husband. He helps me when I have a migraine, he makes me lay down and gets what I need.

My daughter keeps me going, she is the light of my life. I look up to my mom, she keeps going no matter what. She struggles with severe headaches too, but nothing can keep her back and I love her for that.

Read more: Sharp Cheese is the Reason for my Migraines

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