Years of Confusion and Pain Because of Endometriosis


Endometriosis is often misdiagnosed and the delay in diagnosing it may be 6-10 years. Take a Read, Comment on the Blog to show your Support and Share if you can Relate.

All of my life I have been told that every pain, issue, infertility, worry & emotion I have had has been no big thing. They were either in my head, just normal, something to deal with and get over, or things caused by myself-excess weight gain, unhealthy eating, etc.

The pain has always gotten to me in the end though. I have a high pain tolerance and always have held on as long as I could before I got help. Yet every time I reached out to a new Dr for help, I was always given a random diagnosis, plan & medication that never seemed to fit and certainly never fixed the problem.

All the while looking around at family and friends whom can do whatever they like, whenever they like. Nothing held them back like a mysterious leash from their pregnancies, goals & life every single day. They prayed for me and the much-needed answers after every CT, Xray, scope, etc. They would ask if it was any better after attempting PT, diet, medications, & surgery. They gave their sympathies after my miscarriages. Yet they never truly knew the pain.

The moment I finally pieced it all together and told my husband how all these puzzle pieces fit this one thing, there was hope.

I have Endometriosis. I have had painful periods my entire life as well as a migraine, thyroid issues, weight gain, PCOS, Ovarian cysts, joint pain, painful sex, a gluten “allergy” and multiple surgeries. I had to go on fertility medication in order to conceive both of my beautiful daughters. I had a cesarean with each one. I have lost count of the number of cysts that have burst and no longer bother going to the ER. I have had two Laparoscopic surgeries-one ablations and one excision. I also have had a partial hysterectomy leaving me with one ovary. All of this, and yet I still have pain. Pain that I have managed best with Yoga, walking, diet and essential oils.

There is hope for less pain and understanding. Trust in Doctors whom continually fight this disease. Fellowship of other women and fighting the same battle every day. Faith that one day there would be an end to the pain.

Endometriosis is often misdiagnosed and the delay in diagnosing it may be 6-10 years. Take a Read, Comment on the Blog to show your Support and Share if you can Relate.