What’s the Point?


What words do you need to remember on your bad days? Share to Show your Support!

What’s the point in continuing to try when the outcome always is the same no matter how many things I do differently? I’ve tried and tried time and time again and got the same results. My family and me are homeless, and no one accepts us.

Read more: Depression is a Part of my Life

My mom passed last month. Our credit score is not sufficient to get a home, so we can’t even resolve that issue. It’s literally one thing after another, and there never seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve never felt this useless and defeated, so I ask WHAT’S THE POINT?

Well, this depression and suicidal ideation is not the best thing to have in this time of need. I pray daily, but somehow the thoughts seem to come stronger than ever. My anger gets worse, and my emotions overflow. So, again I ask you WHAT’S THE POINT?

Read more: I Found a Way to Live without Depression

The pain I feel from my migraines, arthritis, and fibromyalgia make things harder. Then I think if there was an accident that happened to me, then my family could buy a house, get a better car, and go on vacations they can only dream about.

Again, WHAT’S THE POINT? The point, they tell me, is they need and want me. I guess that works for now.

What words do you need to remember on your bad days? Share to Show your Support!