What To Do When You Are Without An Inhaler


What do YOU do when you don’t have your Inhaler with you? Take a Read, Comment to show your Support and Share if you can Relate.

Have you ever had an asthma attack and reached into your pockets and realised your inhaler isn’t there? Well I have hundreds of times and because of that I am able to control an attack without an inhaler. Want to know how? Keep reading.

The first tip is easier said than done. KEEP CALM. Asthma attacks get so much worse when you panic, your airways become more inflamed. If you have an asthma attack and panic the situation can become life-threatening very quickly. Focus on the breath you can get out, sit up straight and wait for the emergency services.

Treatment during an asthma attack

Have you ever watched one of those cheesy movies where someone is finding it hard to breath and they instantly start reaching for a paper bag? As cliché as it sounds it really works. I remember being in the nurse’s room struggling to breath. No inhaler. I saw a plastic bag and thought “worth a try” watching the bag go up and down with the little breath I did have was almost comforting. It helped control my breathing and it helped mentally. If your ever without your inhaler be a cheesy actor in a movie and breath into a paper bag!

This next one I owe to Google! Before you judge I know it seems I forget my inhaler a lot but I have 2-10 attacks a day so please forgive me, I promise most of the time I am the asthma queen! So on this occasion I was at home with no inhaler and desperate. I was scared and tip 1 and tip 2 had not worked. I googled frantically ”WHAT TO DO IF YOU ARE HAVING AN ASTHMA ATTACK BUT HAVE NO INHALER” and one the tips I had to hand was mint (I mean I had chewing gum but same difference). This chewing gum really helped open my airways it’s hard to explain how much it helped! This tip is not 100% effective all of the time but it’s something that I do often. If you do try it let me know!

The best and most effective method is to always make sure you have your inhalers to hand. In the U.K 3 people a day die from an asthma attack 90% of which could have been prevented so it is so important to prevent life-threatening attacks happening when you can but I know more than anyone that things in life aren’t always that simple so if your ever stuck without an inhaler I hope these tips will help until you are able to get further assistance.

What do YOU do when you don’t have your Inhaler with you? Take a Read, Comment to show your Support and Share if you can Relate.