What is the Difference Between Eczema and Psoriasis?


Eczema and psoriasis are two types of dermatitis, which simply means ‘inflammatory conditions relating to the skin.’

Eczema is made up of very dry, scaly and itchy skin patches, that are also often red and inflamed. There may also be small blisters present in these areas, which can ‘weep’ and become infected. The areas most affected are the insides of the elbows, the hands, neck and the inside of the knees. Some people may have dry, itchy areas on their faces, including their eyes and scalp. Scratching the itchy skin makes the itch worse and can break the skin, leading to infection.

Child has eczema

This skin condition can be worsened by skin irritants, like certain washing powders, clothing, soaps, perfumes, animal fur and other household and industrial chemicals that the skin comes into contact with. Specific foods can also make the condition worse, and gluten and dairy are often the culprits.

The immune system of someone with eczema is susceptible to environmental triggers, specific foods, or both, with the skin becoming inflamed. Stress can also worsen eczema.

When the body is provided with specific nutrients, it can heal the skin and make it more resilient to external triggers. When the immune system is nourished, it becomes better able to cope with both internal and external triggers. Strengthening the digestive system also facilitates fewer food sensitivities. Addressing all these issues leads to healthier skin.

Psoriasis consists of raised areas of skin, often on the opposite area to where eczema usually appears, like the outside of the elbows, and the knees. The skin has a rough, flaky, silvery appearance and can also appear red. When the condition gets severe the skin can start to itch, and perhaps flake off, leaving bleeding skin underneath. When psoriasis accompanies sore joints, the condition is referred to as psoriatic arthritis.

patient with psoriasis

Psoriasis is an auto-immune disease, and is caused by the skin receiving a faulty signal that speeds up the growth of new skin cells and slows the sloughting-off of existing skin cells. This means that the skin builds up extra layers, leading to dry, hard and itchy patches on various parts of the skin.

There are certain environmental factors that can worsen this skin condition, such as stress, extremes of temperature, and infections. There may also be a genetic predisposition to psoriasis.

Once again, when the body is provided with specific nutrients, it is capable of addressing this problem. When the cells are given what they require to function optimally, the skin is one of the first areas that will reflect this improvement. These skin conditions are not contagious, but they do cause untold misery for the sufferers.

SOURCE: https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/psoriasis/psoriasis-or-eczema#1