Rosacea is a common skin disease and many people with a fair skin tone are easily affected by this condition. There is a high chance of people over the age of 30 to suffer from Rosacea, especially compared to teenagers or young adults. Rosacea causes redness on the cheeks, chin, forehead, nose, and, in some cases, can also affect other areas of the body such as the chest, ears, and neck.

Unhappy elderly woman with skin condition rosacea characterized by facial redness, small and superficial dilated blood vessels, no make-up

Symptoms of Rosacea

There are many signs and symptoms of Rosacea, but they do vary from person to person. In most cases, the following symptoms and signs are reported:

  • Flushing: This is a common symptom in all cases and it can last a minimum of 5 minutes to 5 months and depends on the severity of the condition. Flushing of the skin will feel hot with slight irritation.
  • Broken Blood Vessels: This is also known as “Spider Veins”. The affected skin looks like a disordered spider web of dark red or purple blood vessels.
  • Pimples, Papules, and Pustules (Acne): Pustules and pimples are raised spots on the skin and may contain visible discharge. The affected skin may look like acne, but is a symptom of Rosacea.
  • Thickening of the Skin: This is a not a very common symptom, however it is usually found in older males. It generally affects the nose, making it look bulbous.
  • Eye Problems: The Rosacea patient may suffer irritation, dryness, and redness of the eyes.
  • Persistent Facial Redness: Flushing sometimes turns into persistent facial redness. This is different from other redness, and resembles a sunburn which does not go away easily.

If anyone is affected by rosacea, the symptoms are most likely visible. There are other symptoms as well, but may be rare in nature and vary from person to person.

The exact cause of Rosacea is still unknown, but there are some constants such as family history, very light skin color, and abnormalities in facial blood vessels.

There is no permanent cure for the condition, but it can be kept under control. For example, a mixture of raw honey and coconut oil applied to affected areas may improve symptoms. Raw honey will remove redness and bacteria. Other natural remedies such as Aloe Vera can help relieve many symptoms of various skin conditions including rosacea. It is highly recommended to consult a trained dermatologist to have a better understanding about treatment options because the results may vary among individuals.