ADHD or attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder is a very common type of mental problem that is known to affect children. Apart from children, ADHD might also cause harm to several adults. The symptoms of ADHD include hyperactivity such as excess movement, inattention i.e not being able to focus properly, and impulsivity such as different hasty acts occurring at the moment without any thought. An estimation of around 8.4% of children and approximately 2.5% of adults are suffering from ADHD. This human disorder is mostly identified in school-going children’s leading to further disruption in the classroom or even creating problems in the school worlds. This disorder is most common among boys than in girls.
Common Symptoms And Diagnosis Of ADHD
Some of the common ADHD problems include a very high level of activities, limited attention spans, and difficulty in remaining still for a long time period. ADHD is most common in younger peoples in general. The key difference in children with ADHD is that their inattention and hyperactivity are noticeably more than that is expected in accordance with their age. This can cause common distress or severe problems while functioning in school, at home, or among friends. Most commonly ADHD is diagnosed in any one of these three types i.e. inattentive type, impulsive or hyperactive type or it can be a mix of both. All the suitable diagnostics are based on the symptoms that have occurred in the past months.
Inattentive Type
- Has problems while organizing work or tasks.
- Has listening disorder.
- Has got a tendency to not obey instructions or complete school-related work, duties, or chores.
- Has a tendency to not pay attention to details especially at home or at schools.
- Has got a problem to remain focused on activities or tasks such as during conversations, lectures, or during reading.
Impulsive Or Hyperactivity Type
- Tends to have a talkative nature.
- Tends to not stay seated at a particular place.
- A person with this sort of ADHD seems to be always on the go.
- Taps with feet or hands or tends to squirm in seat.
- Generally unable to do leisure activities quietly.
- Has got severe difficulty while waiting.
- Intrudes or interrupts in the personal space of others.
- Tends to blurt out an answer before a particular question is finished.
To be honest there isn’t any sort of lab test that can help in properly diagnosing ADHD. All the above symptoms are done by gathering information from teachers, parents, and others. The following symptoms aren’t the only result of a person being hostile defiant or being unable to understand instructions or tasks.

Causes Of The Disorder
As of now, scientists haven’t identified any particular cause of this disorder. There has been evidence that genetics play a major role in this disorder. For instance, 3 out of 4 children suffering from ADHD have relatives with the same disorder. Other problems that contribute to the development of this disorder might include having a brain injury, being premature from birth, mother consuming alcohol, smoking, or taking extreme stress during delivery.