What having Lupus is Like for Me


What part of your Condition is most difficult for people to understand? Take a Read, Comment on the Blog to show your Support and Share if you can Relate.

I was diagnosed with lupus a year ago. It has been a major struggle ever since, but also it served as an explanation as to why I endured many years of pain and discomfort. I no longer had to ask myself what was wrong with me.

I am a mother of six beautiful children, was working full-time and had just graduated college. Suddenly, I had gotten really sick and was told by a hospital that it was “all in my head.” It was like this until the worst happened, I had a blood clot go to my toe and it had to be amputated.

For three days, I was under quarantine in the hospital because I had so much happening with my body that the doctors were left confused as to what I had.

Finally, I was diagnosed with lupus and a really serious kind of it.

Ever since, I take medication daily. My hair falls out, I am always tired, my immune system is shot due to the medications I am on. Life has changed a lot and I am working on changing old habits. Having a disease that doctors don’t understand is frustrating and, worst of all, trying to explain to a healthy person what you’re going through is even more difficult. So please, be more mindful when someone talks to you about their illness, you don’t know what their journey has been.

What part of your Condition is most difficult for people to understand? Take a Read, Comment on the Blog to show your Support and Share if you can Relate.