What are The Worst Consequences of Severe Constipation?


Generally, health disorders that are left unattended can degenerate into a deadly and chronic medical case. This is also applicable in the case of constipation.

If a patient suffering from constipation does not get the necessary medication or treatment needed, they can suffer from severe conditions such as:

  • Bowel perforation – This is a condition in which the hardened fecal material punctures through the intestinal wall and spills into the abdomen. Bowel perforation causes severe infection because waste products of the body come into direct contact with other organs of the body in the abdomen.
  • Rectal Prolapse – This is a severe case of constipation in which a part of the rectum protrudes through the anal opening during bowel movement. This condition is commonly seen in aged people with weak pelvic floor muscles. In this case, surgery may be the only solution.
  • Non-Intestinal Complications – This is a severe type of constipation in which one recurrently undergoes heavy strains while trying to pass a bowel. These heavy strains can lead to stroke or heart attack.
  • Bloating – This is another condition resulting from constipation. It usually occurs on the left side of the abdomen because of gas produced by normal intestinal bacteria. These bacteria break down fiber of the stool in the colon.
  • Anal Fissures – This occurs when the anus is overstretched while trying to pass a hard stool. These stretches could result in a tear or crack in the anal mucosa membrane. After a while, this condition may result in severe pain and traces of blood may be seen in the stool.
  • Obstipation – This is a blockage of the intestine. This situation can be chronic or acute. It can also be caused by cancer or polyps. The only known solution to such cases is to be operated on immediately to prevent bleeding, bowel perforation, or infection.
  • Chronic Hemorrhoids – These are a common health disorder arising from severe constipation. They result from too much strain on the anal sphincter while trying to pass a bowel movement. Due to pressure from accumulated stool, there is an outflow of blood from inside the anus and rectum. This causes weakness and decreased function. A blood clot formed at the anus is usually the case which demands an urgent surgical removal to prevent subsequent issues.
  • Lazy Colon – This is another condition resulting from severe constipation. In this case, there is no response to the presence of stool, although the colon is not permanently impaired. Taking a laxative does not relieve this condition and it is instead advisable to remove every possible cause of constipation.
  • Faecal Impaction – This develops when a solid stool sticks to the colon and without the ability to pass it out. Such stools cannot be easily passed and most cases require someone to help remove the stool piece by piece from the anus. These cases are commonly seen in old, bedridden people.
  • Rectocele – This is usually seen in women that have reached menopause. The rectum is seen bulging forward toward the vagina. Stools are often trapped in the bulge. This bulge can be detected by doctors during vaginal examination.

Do not delay in taking precautionary measures if you notice abnormalities such as constipation. This will enhance overall health and safety by preventing something minor from becoming a major health complication.

SOURCE: https://www.livestrong.com/article/175379-harmful-effects-of-chronic-long-term-constipation/