What Alzheimer’s Really Looks Like


What does Alzheimer’s look like to You and Your Family? Comment Below!

I started really caring for mom in her third year of being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. It was so hard to watch someone you love so much give their all every day after being handed a death sentence.

There were so many times the sadness and darkness consumed our family that we often forgot to hold on to and hope for good moments that we could replace any bad memories with. This thought process led me to write, When the Sun Shines Through, to help remind anyone going through this horrible roller coaster of emotions to hold on to those good moments that shine through.

My mother was my best friend, while my heart is broken I’m so happy I could and did care for her, that I hugged her as she took her last breath.

My pain has pushed me to advocate to find a cure, and start The Elizabeth Edwards Grant for Hope and #facealzchallange to help raise money and awareness.

I wish I could write that it gets better or easier, but sadly it doesn’t. Remember that your loved one is still themselves stuck behind the mask of Alzheimer’s. Take time for yourself so you can love and show compassion to the one you are caring for.

Sing, laugh, do things with your loved one!! Do not be embarrassed by who they become! Do not hide them in fear of what others might think or say! Educate those ignorant to the struggle, be the voice!!

What does Alzheimer’s look like to You and Your Family? Comment Below!