I Found a Way to Deal with my PTSD


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I’ve had a loving mother and father. They taught me what they knew and did the best they could. I have really good memories as a child.

Up until 8 years of age, when a neighbor performed sexual behaviors with me. Then an uncle touching me at 10 years old. And being raped at 13. And it seemed that I became a young girl looking to fit in, not knowing how to have real loving relationships.

Read more: How I Fight my PTSD

With friends or family. I felt like a total misfit. I continued to place myself in situations that had bad consequences.

One bad relationship to another. No real close friends. I chose low people because I would feel a little Superior to them. I got married in my mid-20s a to a man who ended up physically, sexually and mentally abused me for 10 years. I stayed because I thought he loved me. And I felt hopeless with no way out.

After all that time, I got out and started to get help here and there. My thinking was and is, you see still messed up. I have a fear of failure. I decided 10 years ago to get help for myself. Physically, mentally and spiritually. I’ve gone to psychiatrists, psychologists therapists support groups to learn again about feelings.

Read more: PTSD Is Only The Name

Last year I began going into a PTSD group and worked through these traumatic events. It has allowed me to begin doing esteemable things and to forgive and let go. Of the pain and guilt. I’m beginning to like myself again. I chose to continue on this path for peace within. I’m tired of suffering.

Today I laugh a lot. And have a host of friends. We get together regularly and do things together. Like, go to the beach. Go to lunch and church too. Life is good.

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