Two Decades of Struggle with Diabetes


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Hello, I am a 36 type 1 diabetic. I was diagnosed when I was 13 or 14 years old, not exactly sure because diabetes messes with your memory. Normally, type 1 diabetes is genetic, but not for me. I am the only diabetic in my family, so far.

Read more: Diabetes Discovery: So, This is My Life Now

At that time, I didn’t even know what diabetes was. Imagine being a kid and being told that you now have to take medicine for the rest of your life or you will die and have a restricted diet. Not to mention the other health issues that come along for the ride.

It’s funny because this is supposed to be the land of the free, but diabetics literally have to pay to live. My mom was with me during the whole time I was in the hospital learning about diabetes. In fact, we couldn’t leave until she injected me with insulin at least once, and she did. I remember because jabbed me with it so hard, it hurt. I’m guessing she was nervous. I love my mom, she helped the best she could.

Read more: Diabetes Changed My Life

My older siblings got a little jealous of the “extra” attention I was getting. I bet they are not so jealous anymore. With all the complications, my kids are the only ones who keep me going. Diabetes won’t win this one.

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