Twenty Years Living With Type 1 Diabetes


By Beena

My name is Beena and I am from India. I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes on May 26, 2000. This year 2020 marks my 20 years of living with diabetes and I want to share my diagnosis story.

I was studying in 12th grade, a fit and healthy young girl busy with the board exam preparations and leading an active life. Right from my childhood days, I have always been a very active kid. There was not a tiny chance that would make you wonder whether I had diabetes.

It was May 2000, my board exams had got over bringing my school life phase to an end and I was enjoying my holidays. One fine evening, after coming back home attending a family wedding, I fell sick. The symptoms were like that of food poisoning, continuous vomiting, dehydration and feeling weak. I had some home remedies that night and my family was hoping I would get better the next day. But my condition got worsened, I couldn’t eat anything and ended up vomiting anything that I was given to drink. I became very weak that in a matter of 24 hours I was hardly able to stand. I was on the verge of collapsing and my fingers and toes started turning darker in colour. I was holding on to my mom for support.

I was immediately rushed to the hospital and taken to the Emergency room. They started administering Glucose IV, meanwhile, the doctor advised to get a blood test done. The report showed high glucose levels in my blood, so they suspended the Glucose IV and substituted with different medicine. I gradually started showing some improvement.

I was moved to the general room and spent the night there, the next day few more tests were done and I was kept under observation. That was the fateful night when the doctor spoke to me and my family about my diagnosis. I had been diagnosed with Diabetes and it was Type 1 or Juvenile, which means I have to take insulin injections every day throughout my life.

This came as a big shock to us as we had no history of diabetes in our family, but we had to come to terms with it. The doctor explained the disease and its management, my insulin requirements, dietary changes, exercise, and lifestyle changes. My life was not the same anymore.

Today, 20 years later when I reflect upon living with diabetes, of course, it has been challenging with many ups and downs, however, it has made me a better person in terms of leading a disciplined life. Managing diabetes is a full-time job, something you never get a break from and over the years I have learnt to manage and live a healthy life. I graduated, got a job, happily married to a supporting husband and blessed with a precious son. I am so grateful to my parents for always being there for me, caring for me and supporting me throughout this journey.

With proper management of diabetes you can overcome it and live a fulfilling life. Take control and don’t let diabetes stop you!