Trying to Live a Stress-Free Life


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Hello, my name is Joseph Brokos. I would like to tell you how it’s like to be a diabetic. My condition is not limited to that, because I am a diabetic with a cyclic vomiting syndrome which only adds to the severity of my illness. It is tough because cyclic vomiting syndrome has many different keys to set off the sickness. Stress is one of them.

Read more: My Sudden Diabetes Diagnose That Changed My Life

I find that I must not stress over little things and let life be life. It may sound easier than it is because this also means that friends and family also have to know not to stress me about their problems. They need to think about what they say to me because I may take something the wrong way and stress over it which leads to flairs when I end up sick.

Read more: My Story with Diabetes

I find it helpful when friends are aware of my condition and talking to them helps me cope with negative emotions. The stress that I struggle with affects my life to a great extent. I have to always keep in mind not to overthink stuff and think of the worst-case scenarios. I have also to know not to take what friends say personally, and they have to understand that I need not overthink stuff, so we put a lot of effort into it.

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