Three Baby Kisses


Have you ever heard about Triple X syndrome? Share your story to increase Awareness!

How we found out about my baby girls chromosome disorder. She has triple x syndrome also written as xxx. We have nicknamed it three baby kisses to soften the meaning and talk to her about it when she’s older.

We found out through tests during pregnancy. We made a harmony blood test at 11 weeks pregnant and then had further blood tests from the chord at birth to confirm. We opted for this testing as my sister had died as a baby from a trisomy defect, so it has always been a concern of mine that I may have a baby with a similar disorder.

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It was a shock at the time, however, now that she has been born and we can hold her in our arms we really don’t care. She is beautiful inside and out and will support her as much as we can while she grows. It is a fairly common syndrome but not many people know it or know they have it and for others, it can be very debilitating.

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It has such a broad spectrum and for the most part, we don’t know how it affects our baby until she is in school. I am very appreciative of the support groups available where people can share their experiences.

The only advice I would give women who have found out their unborn baby may be carrying this defect would be don’t terminate. You don’t need to. These super females are just that!

Have you ever heard about Triple X syndrome? Share your story to increase Awareness!