Therapy Treatment for Psoriasis


DEALINGwith psoriasis can be unpleasant, painful, and frustrating. However, today there are more options for treatment than ever before. Psoriasis is an immune disease that occurs when a person has too much of the tumor necrosis factor protein. The symptoms may include joint pain and skin disease. While some people only deal with mild cases, there may also be serious cases of this problem. In most people, skin disease occurs first, and the joints can later become achy and painful. Some of the other symptoms that may accompany psoriasis include tendon swelling, fatigue, reduced movement, nail changes, and morning stiffness. The good news is that there are treatment options, from topical treatments like psoriasis cream to light treatments and injected or oral medications.

Light Therapy

Light therapy is an option for the treatment of psoriasis and is often used along with a good psoriasis cream for best results. This type of treatment can use either natural ultraviolet light or artificial. Sunlight can be used on the skin for short periods of time. Other forms of light therapy can include narrow band UVB therapy, UVB phototherapy, excimer lasers, combination light therapy, and photochemotherapy.

Topical Treatments

Of course, topical treatments, such as psoriasis cream, are the most common treatments that are used to treat the condition. Usually, they are used alone for those who have moderate or mild problems with psoriasis. Those who have more severe problems can use these creams and ointments together with oral medications or with light therapy.

There are a variety of different topical psoriasis treatments out there. First, they have topical corticosteroids, which are the most common option. They work by suppressing the immune system and speeding up cell turnover. This helps to relieve the itching and inflammation. Corticosteroids come in various strengths, depending on the severity of the psoriasis. Anthralin is another topical treatment that is often used together with ultraviolet light. Even coal tar is used in some psoriasis cream or ointment treatments. It helps reduce inflammation, itching, and scaling. Only some other current options are salicylic acid, moisture creams, calcineurin inhibitors and topical retinoids.

As you can see, there are many options available if you are looking for a good psoriasis cream. In most cases, you will need a prescription from your doctor for these creams. Make sure you talk to your physician and find out which option will provide you with the best results.