Taking My Life Back


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So far, life hasn’t been exactly smooth. In the chapters of my life, I’ve had it very hard. My family was happy and big, I was living with my husband and our 8 children, and then my husband decided to ask for a divorce after 27 years of living together.

Read more: My complicated life

Not only he decided to divorce me, but he also swayed my 8 children to follow in his footsteps. The stress and lack of sleep put a toll on my life. I was having trouble remembering things. I started getting headaches and seeing double. I decided enough was enough. I had to get my life back. There was no way to continue living that way anymore.

My Aunt has Alzheimer’s, so I know how hard it can be when you’re sick. I needed to get back on track. I fought for my kids, but was deteriorating my health with lack of sleep. Today most of my children are back in my life, and I am trying hard to get rest. I still see double and have not yet been diagnosed as to what is the cause. I eat healthily and try my best to take deep breaths.

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