Surviving the Threat of Crohn’s Disease


I almost took mine in November 2020. I’ve had Crohn’s for about 20 or so years. I, too, was misdiagnosed for years. Doctors would blow me off, leading me to believe I was a hypochondriac. I finally found a great doctor that diagnosed it and treated it.

I went for Remicade infusions, different oral meds, and finally Humira. That helped keep it at bay, but I still wound up in the hospital 3 or more times a year. I lost my job over this, along with my insurance. No more Humira. So I left it untreated for a year or so. Big mistake!

In November, I was in severe pain and couldn’t poop. I repeatedly threw everything up, including poop. I finally went to the ER. Due to COVID-19 I held off until that point. They did a CT scan and sure enough, I had a bowel blockage that required emergency surgery. It was horrible! NG tube up my nose, IV’s everywhere, a central PIC line, and a temporary ileostomy.

The surgeon found 2 blockages, 1 due to adhesions from prior stomach surgeries. And he cleaned out the Crohn’s. But Crohn’s always comes back. So, I’m still recovering but am now receiving Entyvio infusions. The surgeon said if I had waited 24-48 hours to go to the ER, I would have died.

I’m set to have the bag removed in late February or early March. I hate the bag so much that if were permanent, I would have taken my own life.

That’s my story. Please feel free to share my story and my support for everyone who suffers from this horrible disease!! Thank you!