Oxidative Stress: The Cause of Diseases


Is Oxidative stress the cause behind every disease? Share your opinion with us in the Comments!

I have learned from doctors and my own due diligence how oxidative stress is the cause of diseases. As I look at the list of diseases to choose from, I am reminded of how oxidative stress is the cause of many. I share with you the site that will give you factual information.

Go to: pubmed.gov and look up oxidative stress.

Look up your disease and you will see oxidative stress is a cause. This site is where the doctors go for reference. The studies are from several doctors over a period of time and all must have the conclusion in order to publish in PubMed.

Read more: Stephanie Norman’s Cancer Story

I have learned about a product that has over 22 peer review studies. Hundreds of testimonials from people that I personally know, reducing their oxidative stress has been significant.

My mission is to share the information with as many people as possible. I have a very dear friend with RA and she has stated over and over again that she is elated with this product. She is actually off one of her medications to which she is forever thankful.

I now sleep better, anxiety levels have gone way down and for that and I am extremely pleased. I also come from a family line of cancer and I will do what it takes to help prevent it. I don’t want to wait till I am 80 and/or have a disease and wished I had listened to the doctors. For that reason, I am a huge advocate.

Is Oxidative stress the cause behind every disease? Share your story with us in the Comments!