My Inspirations While Living with Bipolar Disorder and Depression


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I’m telling my story today because I believe it is one that should be heard. My story begins with when I met my son’s father. The relationship between us was great until he started drinking which caused him to become abusive and in denial of our son.

Read more: Bipolar Disorder and Young Motherhood

As the years by, the abuse got worse. I finally went to see my doctor where I filled out a questionnaire and eventually, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and depression. This shattered my life and every relationship, which has led me to attempt suicide several times by cutting myself, taking multiple medications at one time, or not eating for days and just giving up on life period.

I have been in unhealthy relationships for years and had 2 more children with no help. That is until I met my current boyfriend and best friend. He has been my rock, along with my 3 children. Many times, my confidence is low and I fall into a deep depression where I don’t come out of the house for days and just don’t want to live but he encourages me to be strong and love myself, my kids and life.

Read more: Depression and Bipolar Disorder Suck

With his help, I’m taking it one day at a time. It’s not easy some days but I try to stay positive and remember that I have children who look up to me. I hope this story gives someone a little strength to keep on surviving and to keep pushing yourself every day. Live Life To The Fullest!!!!!!

Who or what helps you move forward on difficult days? Take a read and Show your Gratitude to the person who helped you the most by Tagging them on the Blog!