Heart Failure and Everyday Fight


Has anyone from your family experienced heart failure? Share and Comment to show your Support!

Heart Failure and Everyday Fight

My father was rushed to the hospital one stormy night. He couldn’t breathe and only me and my mother were at home with him. At first, we thought he was joking but he started turning pale. Ambulance checked his vital signs, his heartbeat was pumping a little fast and his oxygen was at 80 so they took him right away.

Read more: An Everyday Fight With Pain

Once we got there, we explained to the doctor what was going on. After a couple of hours and numerous tests, we were told that he has heart failure and he can pass at any moment. It can be minutes, hours, days, weeks, months even years from now. Every now and then, he will build water between his lungs and the lungs wall and that need to be drained urgently. If not, his heart will get weaker and weaker until it stops completely. I remember that I went outside the hospital after hearing the news. No one was there and I just broke down.  I knew I had to get myself together and go see my father. He needed me at that moment and still does to this day. I’m glad to say he now has a pacemaker and follows his diet. A strict liquid consumed his blood sugar and blood pressure is well controlled.

Read more: I saw an Angel after my Heart Surgery

I made a New Year’s resolution. While everybody wants to lose weight or gain muscle, I wanted to travel the world take my parents to see new oceans, not just the Gulf of Mexico. Go see the Northern lights, take them to Paris, but I know I won’t be able to do any of that. My father can’t travel by plane or bus. He can only travel up to four hours in a car. I’m doing what I can so my parents have a happy life now and I will help them any way I can.

Has anyone from your family experienced heart failure? Share and Comment to show your Support!