Getting Tired of the Migraines


What helps you go through the day when you are in pain? Share and Comment so others can see it too!

I started getting migraines when I was in middle school. I’m sure that they were hormonal mostly but sometimes I would get them other times of the month too. By the time I was in my 20s, I was getting migraines 2-3 times a week. Sometimes I could work through them, other times I could not. There was no time to lock myself in my bedroom in the dark with icepacks on my head and hoping that in a few hours it would be gone.

Read more: Living with Chronic Migraines

Back then, I did not take medicine so I would just take Ibuprofen or something similar to it. Also, I would try drinking a Coke pretty fast to get the caffeine in my system fast. Sometimes that would work but more often it did not. By my early thirties, I decided I could not take it any longer and went to the doctor to try getting medication to help. I needed to feel like this was not taking over my life anymore. I started taking preventive meds and if the preventive was not doing the job for that day.

Read more: “Thanks for Asking” – A Migraine Follow Up

Now, I’m in my middle 40s I’m doing the same thing but getting tired. Some months the meds seem to work great and other months I get a lot more migraines. I’m ready to try something new so I’m signing up for a migraine study. I hope I will find some answers and move in a new direction, with less or no migraines at all.

What helps you go through the day when you are in pain? Share and Comment so others can see it too!