Story of My Depression

hospital mother

How did your condition begin and progressed to where it is today? Share to show your Support! 

Iwas only 10 when my mom wanted to move to North Carolina to take care of my grandma.I didn’t like the idea because I would lose all of my friends.

Read more: Depression and Prison – My Life

We ended up moving and it was to a small town no one knew of. I started becoming depressed from not being able to see my family and friends. Soon after I started middle school and I thought maybe I’d meet some people that would like me but I was wrong.

Everyone made fun of me from how I spoke to how I dressed and even looked. I didn’t like it I would always cry every night and I started to self-harm. No one knew because I would always wear long sleeves.

A couple months went past and I was still doing it I even started trying to overdose. One day my grandma got sent to the hospital and everyone at school was mean to me so I got home. No one was home they were at the hospital so I figured it’s a perfect time to end it. So I went to the bathroom and took as many pills there was and tried to cut my arm but I cut the wrong place and the pills just made me pass out but by the time I got up I was in a hospital.

Read more: Depression and Bipolar Disorder Suck

I am still struggling with my depression, but I really hope that I will beat it and start living a full, happy life.

How did your condition begin and progressed to where it is today? Share to show your Support!