A Story of an ADHD Child


Do you have a family member that suffers from ADHD? Comment on the Blog to show your Support and Share if you can Relate.

Some question if kids actually have ADHD or if they are just hyper, but the truth might be shocking. All the kids are hyper, but the difference is that with ADHD the kid never gets exhausted even with all the time spent outside playing or just playing inside.

Kids under 5 years old should take naps, but with ADHD kids hardly lay down. Most kids with ADHD have problems staying on task, so when my brother started school, they put him on an IEP to give him more time to get his work done, Also you should make sure your kids eat right and get plenty of outdoor time to run around.

Read more: My Son has ADHD

Some people decide to give their kids an ADHD medicine. This medicine is most likely Adderall or an off brand. other people say ADHD medicine make the kids act like a robot or put them in a zombie-like form. Personally, my brother took the medicine and we monitored him until he was on the right dosage. We bounced from 30 mg down to 20 mg and found out 20 mg was right for him. It helped him focus on what’s important and it also helped him relax and think before he acts.

Do you have a family member that suffers from ADHD? Comment on the Blog to show your Support and Share if you can Relate.