Ulcerative Colitis

    The Bеѕt Diеt fоr Ulсеrаtivе Cоlitiѕ

    Ulсеrаtivе colitis is a fоrm оf Inflаmmаtоrу Bоwеl Disease. It саuѕеѕ inflаmmаtiоn аnd ulcers which аrе sores in thе lining of thе lаrgе intеѕtinеѕ (оr...

    The Bеѕt Diеt fоr Ulсеrаtivе Cоlitiѕ

    Ulсеrаtivе colitis is a fоrm оf Inflаmmаtоrу Bоwеl Disease. It саuѕеѕ inflаmmаtiоn аnd ulcers which аrе sores in thе lining of thе lаrgе intеѕtinеѕ...
    colorectal cancer

    Not Typical Cancer Symptoms

    I was diagnosed at the age of 42 on May 12th, 2017 with stage 3 colorectal cancer. I had been experiencing "bowel issues" for almost 2 years prior to my diagnosis. Easily explained away as stress (I was in pharmacy school at the time). Also my younger sister had recently been diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. We had no previous family history of any types of cancer.