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    Ways to Support Someone with PTSD

    PTSD раtіеntѕ ѕоmеtіmеѕ ѕuffеrіng frоm uncontrollable аnxіеtу, sleepless nights, аnd unrealistic dreams by nаturе. This саn lead tо short-term memory lоѕѕ, whісh mау саuѕе lоng...

    My Dad Died and Now I Suffer From PTSD

    I stopped with the CPR and looked at my dad’s eyes, fixed and dilated. I tried to feel his pulse, but there was none. It was the most BEAUTIFUL/HORRIFYING moment of my whole life. I went through the motions for three months and don’t remember ONE DAY! Then the depression, anxiety, and PTSD set in.

    A Victim of a Hate Crime

    A few years ago, something really bad and traumatic happened to me. I was walking in the street on my way home and I remember a guy walking by me. He was hiding behind my shoulder. When I looked around, I was inside a circle of 5 guys. I was terrified. The reason they attacked me is that I am gay.

    My Difficult Life is the Reason for my PTSD

    How do you Help yourself when you are in Pain? Share and Comment to show your Support! My story begins by being born from a young...

    Ecstasy Has Just Been Labelled as a Breakthrough Therapy for PTSD...

    MDMA, which is also known as Ecstasy has just been labelled a ‘Breakthrough Therapy’ for treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder by the Federal Drug...

    Find your gear: natural reaction, or disorder?

    That's what my Post Traumatic Stress Diagnosis (PTSD) feels like to me. The engine's running at full speed, even hitting that red zone sometimes, but I get nowhere. It feels like I'm living in neutral.

    Breaking the Cycle of Abuse

    What was the biggest challenge after being diagnosed? Share to show your Support!  I would do anything to tell my story, including traveling all over the country....

    Dоеѕ PTSD Оnlу Affесt Cоmbаt Veterans? Mоѕt Реорlе Dоn’t Knоw Thе...

    pTSD is a mаjоr рrоblеm fоr vеtеrаnѕ today аnd іѕ gоіng tо bесоmе a bigger рrоblеm оvеr tіmе. Thаt’ѕ nоt ѕресulаtіоn іt’ѕ a fасt,...