Home Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis

    primary care doctor

    Living with Multiple Sclerosis

    What Symptoms of MS do you have? Take a Read, Comment on the Blog to show your Support and Share if you can Relate. I...

    I refuse to let MS take everything from me

    How did your condition begin and progressed to where it is today? Share to Show your Support! I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis over 15...

    To Someone Who Has Just Been Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis

    My name is Thomas and this is my message to anyone that has just been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. As someone who has dealt with Multiple...

    Staying Positive

    What was the biggest challenge after being diagnosed? Show your Support by Commenting! People oftentimes comment on my almost unbelievably sunny disposition, especially for someone...

    Multiple Sclerosis Knocked Me Down but I Got Back Up

    My doctor said, "I've got bad news. We need to run more tests, but we are pretty certain you have Multiple Sclerosis. You'll probably be in a wheelchair most your life.

    A New Love for Life in the Time of COVID-19 and...

    It was just my usual mammogram, after all, when my doctor called me at work. This was something new for her. Why should it...

    My Multiple Sclerosis is Getting Worse

    I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) eight years ago. That's my diagnosis date but not the onset of the disease. I don't know when the onset was.

    I had over 20 Brain Lesions

    What was your biggest challenge when you got your Diagnosis? Take a Read, Comment to show your Support and Share if you can Relate. In May...