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    10 Symptoms of Migraines

    There are few things in life as frustrating as having a headache. It makes it hard to even think. A migraine is a headache...

    Five Foods to Avoid if You Have Migraines

    Headaches are the worst. Migraines are even worse than the worst headache. For most migraine sufferers, the ability to avoid them is a must....

    The Difference Between a Headache and a Migraine

    Let’s face it. No matter what you do in life, you are going to get a headache from time to time. You can try...

    The 10 Best Migraine Instagram Accounts – 2021

    If you get migraines, then you realize incredibly life changing they are. You get to have to change your whole life to deal with the pain....

    5 Vitamins and Supplements that Could Reduce Migraines

    Migraines are nothing to mess with. They disrupt your day. They change your life. They cause pain that you will never experience any other...

    Can You Be on Disability Because of Migraines?

    The Impact of Migraines Every year, nearly 3 million people in the United States experience migraine headaches. Unlike regular headaches, migraines can be truly incapacitating...

    These are a Few of My Favorite Migraine Hacks

    My favorite Natural ways to Cope with chronic migraines: Ginger I can not express enough how much I LOVE ginger. I. LOVE. GINGER! Fresh, capsule, Tea....

    10 Common Triggers of Migraines

    There is nothing fun about having a migraine. They can disrupt your entire life. There are days that you can’t even get out of bed, much...