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Mental Health

    depression and anxiety

    My Mom had this Condition and Now I Have it Too

    Do you think Children who are Growing Up with a Depressed Family member are more likely to be Depressed when they are Adults? Take a Read,...

    How to Look and Feel your Best Wherever You Are

    If your emotional well-being and personal appearance took a hit during the COVID-19 pandemic, you’re not alone. There are simple ways you can give yourself a much-needed boost.

    Mental Health: The Big Pay Back

    Mental health is very important. It's very important because it can affect you for a lifetime if you don't find some sort of recovery or if you don't recover properly. Only we know what we think about and only we can take a stand and change our thinking, our habits, our surroundings and our Mental Health.

    I am an American Curbside Caregiver …my view from the streets

    Originally published here: https://www.catsvisions.org/post/i-am-an-american-curbside-caregiver-my-view-from-the-streets by Linda Rippee Privatte I have been a caregiver on the streets of my hometown to my disabled, blind brother who has...

    Why Do YOU Label Me?

    Do You get Labeled? Share and Comment to show your Support! Someone puts all these labels on different personalities disorders and mental illness, such as: Depression, bipolar,...

    The Health Benefits of Learning Piano Later in Life

    Learning to play piano may not be the first thing you think about when seeking to improve your physical or mental health.

    How I Helped MCC Win the Vally of the Sun Bowl

    How I helped MCC win the valley of the sun bowl During 2016 and 2017 season MCC had an amazing football team and was able...

    The Reason Why I Don’t Wear a Mask

    Warning: Abuse triggers THE PAST TWO-PLUS YEARS FOR ME I found out at the start of the mask mandates that I couldn't wear a mask. The...