Home Mental Health

Mental Health

    How to Look and Feel your Best Wherever You Are

    If your emotional well-being and personal appearance took a hit during the COVID-19 pandemic, you’re not alone. There are simple ways you can give yourself a much-needed boost.

    An “Alice In Wonderland” World for Survivors

    We create an "Alice in wonderland" world for survivors and then laugh at them for being crazy.

    Find your gear: natural reaction, or disorder?

    That's what my Post Traumatic Stress Diagnosis (PTSD) feels like to me. The engine's running at full speed, even hitting that red zone sometimes, but I get nowhere. It feels like I'm living in neutral.

    A Ballad of Negative Symptoms

    Can you relate to this poem?

    Damaged After a Car Accident

    What do you do to Improve your Mental Health? Tell us in the Comments! My story begins on January 28th, 2017 when I got ran...

    How to Deal with Stubbornness in an Alzheimer’s Patient

    If you are a primary caregiver for an Alzheimer’s patient, you know how difficult it can be to provide excellent care and support around...

    My Way to Recovery

    I spent my middle school years and the first half of high school trying to be accepted by the people there. In a town full of wealthy people, the only friends I was able to make were the degenerates. I started drinking and taking drugs because I wanted to be accepted.

    The Reason Why I Don’t Wear a Mask

    Warning: Abuse triggers THE PAST TWO-PLUS YEARS FOR ME I found out at the start of the mask mandates that I couldn't wear a mask. The...