Home Heart Failure

Heart Failure

    My Dark, Downward Spiral

    What was the First Symptom of your Heart Condition? Show your support by Commenting! My story begins with me as a hard-working man, working day and night...

    Heart Failure and Everyday Fight

    Has anyone from your family experienced heart failure? Share and Comment to show your Support! Heart Failure and Everyday Fight My father was rushed to the hospital...

    An Agent Orange Legacy

    And a miracle happened, I was finally set free. I had finally accepted my illness. I allowed myself to be miserable, and boy did I show it. Now I am in stage 4 of depression and moving into stage 5.

    I saw an Angel after my Heart Surgery

    Have You experienced anything like this in Your Life? Share and Comment to show your Support! Middle of January 2016 my family was having such a...

    Big Momma

    How did your condition begin and progressed to where it is today? Show your Support by Sharing this Story! Hello! My name is Dorothy, but,...
    Graves Disease

    I was Diagnosed with Graves Disease and I have to Live...

    Who is your biggest Support? Show your support by Commenting! Well, where should I start? When I was 8 years old, I was diagnosed with Graves Disease. My...