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    Diabetes: My Full-Time Job

    On January 5, 2000, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. It affects your organs, arteries, eyesight, and hearing. I remember I called my dad crying. I had seen my mom, relatives, and friends all experience complications that were irreversible which resulted in them becoming disabled, or even passing away.

    Life of a Diabetic

    What’s the most frustrating part of your Condition? Take a Read, Comment on the Blog to show your Support and Share if you can...

    Twenty Years Living With Type 1 Diabetes

    By Beena My name is Beena and I am from India. I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes on May 26, 2000. This year 2020...

    Diabetes was My Inheritance

    At 14, I left school to care for my mother who had serious and uncontrollable diabetes. I hated not being in school. There were times I became tired of doing things for my mom. She had always said that I was going to get an inheritance and I needed to learn how to control it. Oh, and my inheritance is diabetes.

    Diabetes Type 2 – How it Affects Me

    I've had Type 2 Diabetes since 2007. It all began when I became pregnant with my 3rd child. I've had it off and on and since the birth of my 4th child, it has become more and more of a struggle.

    Type 1 Diabetes: Here’s What People Don’t See

    Type 1 Diabetes is like an Iceberg. An Iceberg has over 90% of its mass below the surface. Meaning that you don’t see 90% of...

    How Diabetes Affected My Family

    Is living with a diabetic hard for your family? Take a Read, Comment on the Blog to show your Support and Share if you can...

    Coping Diabetes Type 1 Complications

    Dealing with all the symptoms of Diabetes type 1 at an age where everyone says, "You’re too Young for what you are going through" is so hard.