Chris Hemsworth and His APOE4 Gene Diagnosis
One of the most worrying situations is being diagnosed with a life-limiting illness. An unexpected diagnosis can turn your life upside down. It can...
Facts about the APOE4 Gene
Have you heard about the APOE4 gene yet? There is so much information linking the APOE4 gene to Alzheimer's disease, which increases the risk...
The APOE4 Gene Diet
There is a significant link between diet and health. There are so many debates about whether a high-carb or high-fat diet has an impact...
So You Have the APOE4 Gene, Here’s What You Need to...
Have you undergone a genetic test only to find out that you have the APOE4 gene? Does the risk of developing Alzheimer's and probably...
What You Need to Know About the APOE4 Gene and Alzheimer’s...
Did you ever notice that people have different eye or hair colors? It is all about genes. Genes are the building blocks of life...
Dementia: Here’s What People Don’t See
Dementia is like an Iceberg. An Iceberg has over 90% of its mass below the surface. Meaning that you don’t see 90% of the iceberg....
Emotional Support for Dementia Patients
What do you think, how important is the Emotional Support for Dementia Patients?
Take a Read, Comment on the Blog to show your Support...
How to Deal with Dementia?
Those with dеmеntiа find it еxtrеmеlу diffiсult tо think аnd/оr соmmuniсаtе. The most common ѕуmрtоm оf dеmеntiа iѕ lоѕѕ оf mеmоrу. Patients may forget...