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    Coronavirus History And How It All Started?

    According to some of the global experts, the current SARS-CoV2 virus first originated in bats and it is very much similar to that of acute respiratory syndromes (SARS) and the Middle East respiratory syndromes (MERS).

    Busting COVID-19 Myths

    Several myths have been told about COVID-19 and it's important to shun or discredit them.

    The Reason Why I Don’t Wear a Mask

    Warning: Abuse triggers THE PAST TWO-PLUS YEARS FOR ME I found out at the start of the mask mandates that I couldn't wear a mask. The...

    A New Love for Life in the Time of COVID-19 and...

    It was just my usual mammogram, after all, when my doctor called me at work. This was something new for her. Why should it...

    Strengthen Your Immune System Against COVID-19

    COVID-19 has spread to almost every state and has been declared a pandemic. If we have a strong immune system, we are able to...

    Coronavirus: Symptoms That Indicate You have already had COVID-19

    With the onset of the novel coronavirus, thousands of people all across the globe have experienced some sort of complications that has come along...