
    Various Types of Laxatives Used to Treat Constipation

    Laxatives are substances which soften stool and increase bowel movements. They are used in the relief and treatment of constipation. The different types of laxatives...

    What are Some Natural Ways to Relieve Constipation?

    Constipation is simply seen as the inability of one to conveniently pass stool for several days. This condition results in great discomfort and can...

    What is Constipation?

    In mеdiсаl tеrmѕ, the answer to the quеѕtiоn “whаt iѕ соnѕtiраtiоn” iѕ ѕimрlе and straightforward: it’s hаving bowel movements lеѕѕ thаn three timеѕ a...

    What are the Possible Cures for Chronic Constipation?

    Chronic constipation is simply defined as a situation in which one cannot pass stool for 3-4 or longer. In the case that stool is...

    How to Relieve Constipation in Toddlers

    If your toddler is suffering from constipation, it can be challenging to relieve their pain because many kids are picky about what they eat....

    What are The Worst Consequences of Severe Constipation?

    Generally, health disorders that are left unattended can degenerate into a deadly and chronic medical case. This is also applicable in the case of...

    Tips to Get Rid of Constipation After Surgery

    Constipation can occur after undergoing gastro-intestinal surgeries, which can cause pain and discomfort in the patient. This usually occurs when the intestines are weak,...

    Does Constipation Cause Increased Hyperthermia

    Hyperthermia, which is also known as a stroke, is a condition in which the body temperature is elevated due to failed thermoregulation that occurs...