Home Asthma


    Asthma – My Companion through Life

    I have had asthma since I was a teenager. I have always been pretty lucky to never had to go to the hospital for it but I have a rescue inhaler if needed. As I have gotten older, my asthma has improved and now I barely need my rescue inhaler.

    Relief from Lifelong Asthma

    Did you manage to get some relief from asthma? Share and Comment to show your Support! I am a 28-year-old female who was diagnosed with activity induced...

    Asthma Nearly Ruined My Social Life, Here’s How I Got It...

    What inspires you to Battle Asthma every day? Take a Read, Comment on the Blog to show your Support and Share if you can...

    How I Stay Positive with Asthma

    What is your way of dealing with asthma? Show your support by Sharing and Commenting! I’m 24 years of age (25 in 46 days, not that...

    What To Do When You Are Without An Inhaler

    What do YOU do when you don’t have your Inhaler with you? Take a Read, Comment to show your Support and Share if you...

    Hоw Dоеѕ Sесоndhаnd Smоkе Affесt Childrеn?

    Evеn if уоu dоn’t ѕmоkе, brеаthing in ѕоmеоnе еlѕе’ѕ ѕmоkе саn also be deadly. Sесоndhаnd ѕmоkе саuѕеѕ аbоut 3,000 dеаthѕ frоm lung саnсеr аnd tеnѕ оf...

    A Key Cause of Asthma – the House Dust Mite

    Asthma is a chronic, lifelong disease, with many causes. According to the CDC, in 2020, asthma affected more than 25 million people in the...

    How Asthma Affected my Life

    What’s the first thing you do when you have an Asthma Attack? Show your support by Commenting! Well, to describe the first episode of my attack I would...