My Kids Have ADHD and I Suffer from Depression and Anxiety
What Motivates You to be a better version of yourself? Take a Read, Comment on the Blog to show your Support and Share if...
How I Cope with ADHD
What are your Top Solutions that help you cope with ADHD? Show your support by Commenting!
I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD and luckily, I’ve found some...
ADHD Turned Me into a Monster
How do you manage your ADHD? Show your support by Commenting!
Every article about the negative things that can happen to an individual, a woman, with...
I was Diagnosed with ADHD
Should ADHD be treated with medications? Tell us in the comments!
I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was little.
My parents would wonder why I...
The Struggle With ADHD
What is your opinion on ADHD medication? Would you give an ADHD medicine to your child?
Take a Read, Comment to show your Support and...
7 Things People Without ADHD Wouldn’t Understand
Having a very short-term memory:
Committing to something before actually thinking it and the consequences through:
During class, you always wonder...
How to Organize Everything When You Have ADHD
ADHD (attention deficit hypersensitivity disorder) affects hundreds of people every year. It is a psychiatric disorderwith a high prevalence. Some parts of the brain of...