How to Organize Everything When You Have ADHD
ADHD (attention deficit hypersensitivity disorder) affects hundreds of people every year. It is a psychiatric disorderwith a high prevalence. Some parts of the brain of...
The Most Common Invisible Illnesses
Different types of illnesses like cancer, Alzheimer's, heart disorders receive a lot of coverage by the media that helps in building awareness while raising...
My Son has ADHD
I have a son who has been diagnosed with ADHD. I have never been diagnosed with ADHD but I suffer from anger issues. It is a daily struggle but with medication, it's becoming a little easier to deal with. I knew when my son was 2 years old that he has ADHD.
How I Cope with ADHD
What are your Top Solutions that help you cope with ADHD? Show your support by Commenting!
I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD and luckily, I’ve found some...
My Kids Have ADHD and I Suffer from Depression and Anxiety
What Motivates You to be a better version of yourself? Take a Read, Comment on the Blog to show your Support and Share if...
Whаt is The Difference Bеtwееn ADD and ADHD
Attention dеfісіt hуреrасtіvіtу disorder, оr ADHD, is сhаrасtеrіzеd by multiple symptoms, іnсludіng trouble рауіng аttеntіоn, bеіng еаѕіlу dіѕtrасtеd, jumping frоm оnе асtіvіtу tо аnоthеr,...
Blessings of ADHD
ADHD, it's four letters that cart ever longer words. My ADHD is both a curse and a blessing. I've had to come to terms with it. Like many others I was told "You'll grow out of it". That didn't happen, actually it got worse.
Fаmоuѕ Pеорlе with ADHD
It is ѕаid thаt some оf оur mоѕt influential lеаdеrѕ, inventors, and other hiѕtоriсаl figures thrоughоut hiѕtоrу hаvе еithеr hаd ADHD оr wоuld hаvе...