Home ADHD in Children

ADHD in Children

    Common Myths About ADHD

    Aroung 6.4 million children in the US have ADHD accorfing to the CDC.

    Diagnosing ADHD in Childrеn

    ADHD оr Attеntiоn Dеfiсit Hуреrасtivitу Diѕоrdеr аffесtѕ mоrе сhildrеn tоdау thаn it еvеr did in thе раѕt. Thеrе аrе mоrе саѕеѕ оf ADHD ѕhоwing...

    Thrive More Than Survive

    Having ADHD can sometimes keep you away from the will to live life fully, but you can always make a change. You just have to start.

    ADHD Turned Me into a Monster

    How do you manage your ADHD? Show your support by Commenting! Every article about the negative things that can happen to an individual, a woman, with...

    My Son has ADHD

    I have a son who has been diagnosed with ADHD. I have never been diagnosed with ADHD but I suffer from anger issues. It is a daily struggle but with medication, it's becoming a little easier to deal with. I knew when my son was 2 years old that he has ADHD.

    A Story of an ADHD Child

    Some question if kids actually have ADHD or if they are just hyper, but the truth might be shocking. All the kids are hyper, but the difference is that with ADHD the kid never gets exhausted.

    Whаt Are Nаturаl Trеаtmеnts оf ADHD in Childrеn?

    There are nаturаl trеаtmеnts for ADHD in сhildrеn. ADHD iѕ аn аttеntiоn deficit diѕоrdеr thаt intеrfеrеѕ with a сhild’ѕ аbilitу tо fосuѕ, соnсеntrаtе, аnd...

    The Most Common Invisible Illnesses

    Different types of illnesses like cancer, Alzheimer's, heart disorders receive a lot of coverage by the media that helps in building awareness while raising...