Addiction is Ruining a Person I Love
After years of struggle, he turned to medications as an escape from life so he wouldn’t need to deal with the pain. He was not aware that he's only hurting himself and the ones who love him the most. He almost killed himself but we saved him.
Opiate Addiction: The Relationship Between the Risk Factors, Treatment, and You
In the United States, there has been a struggle against a growing opioid epidemic.
My Daughter is My Motivation
In all honesty, if it wasn’t for my daughter, I would’ve probably ended it all years ago. I’m not normal, and I’m ok with that. I do my best with what I’ve got. I’ve been doing a little better the last few years thanks to my amazing support system.
Loss After Loss
I have lost my brother, my wife, and my mother all in the past three years. All at the same time while battling an active addiction to heroin and pain pills
Dear Addiction: A Poem to Addiction
Dear Addiction, You destroyed over 10 years of my life that I will never get back. You made me do things that I said I would never do.
I have an Addiction and I don’t Know How to Fight...
How did your Addiction Start? Show your support by Commenting!
It’s been three long years.
Oh, some days it seems the years have flown by, but the...
A Heart of Hope – Prevention of Suicide
What was your turning point? Share and Comment to show your Support!
In life, we just never know what paths we may cross or the storms...
Addicted: Fatal Attraction
This is a story about a once lost, drug-addicted 22-year-old. That former addict happens to be me. I worked in construction as an electrician apprentice. I had 2 years of experience and a wife who was pregnant with my child. I couldn't afford to support her and her 8-year-old son on my salary of $9.50 an hour. So, I sold pills that I had ordered from Argentina for real cheap.