Staying Grateful and Strong with Advanced Osteoarthritis


Have you learned anything new about yourself after you got Diagnosed? What is that? Take a read and show your support by Commenting on the blog!

I am a single, 65-year-old male who is currently in the throughs of advanced osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis. I received my diagnosis several years ago but I had no idea how dramatically profound this illness would advance.

There is another component to my story which is significant. I am a man in recovery from substance abuse. My active addiction played an important role in my current advanced state of arthritis. One year ago, I was walking my 3-mile walk to a 12 step meeting and I felt a pinch in my neck that wouldn’t go away. Then, in a few weeks time, my ability to walk became very difficult. Soon thereafter, my hands were going numb.

Read more: Top 3 Arthritis Memes

I was scared and became trapped in my upstairs apartment, scooting around in a desk chair. It was two months of hell and my MediCal was not available due to a technical error I had made. I finally slipped out of bed and damaged my arthritic knees in the process. I was nearly paralyzed and was taken to the emergency room, where the following day I had spinal fusion surgery.


It has been a difficult year. I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that I really accelerated my arthritis unknowingly with my active addiction. Today and for the last year, I am a man all about recovery. I live clean. I take no opioids for pain and I finally have a good healthcare plan and a team of professionals helping me to get the care and surgeries I will need. I am looking at two new knee replacement operations and possibly, another spinal surgery.

Read more: Living with Osteoarthritis and without Painkillers

I have faith and a profoundly positive attitude and immense gratitude that I work hard to maintain. No pity party here. I love myself and my life. I deal with intense pain and struggle with mobility using a cane for now.

I have FAITH! I believe in the blessing of one-on-one and group support, such as I get from Cure Up, Stronger Than
My Arthritis, and from my fellowship affiliations. I am here to help others in their struggles and to warn people that an unchecked, active addiction can play a very destructive role in any efforts to recover. I get to give back the support that has been so freely given me. I love being of service to others, as it enriches my life immeasurably.

Respectively, we can go through recovery together. Stay strong and positive. Reach out for help. We are blessed to help each other. We do not have to go this alone.

Yours truly,
Stephen Gordon

Have you learned anything new about yourself after you got Diagnosed? What is that? Take a read and show your support by Commenting on the blog!